Michigan Libertarian Presidential Straw Poll
Yesterday, March 8, 45 candidates and activists packed a meeting room at the Best Western in Livonia for the Libertarian Party of Michigan's 2008 Campaign Training Conference. The program included a Libertarian Presidential straw poll. None of the Presidential candidates attended (all were invited, but many begged off to attend one or more of four state LP conventions across the country). However, the Wayne Allyn Root and Bob Jackson campaigns recognized the importance of the Michigan LP's block of 34 delegates, and sent campaign personnel to speak on behalf of their candidates. Mark Schreiber of Indiana spoke and fielded questions for Wayne Allyn Root, as did David Yardley of Michigan for Bob Jackson.
The results of the balloting were: Wayne Allyn Root 11 (37%); Bob Jackson 8 (27%); Ron Paul 2 (7%); Steve Kubby 2 (7%); Christine Smith 2 (7%); Mary Ruwart 1 (3%); Walter Williams 1 (3%); George Phillies 1 (3%); Daniel Imperato 1 (3%); None of the Above 1 (3%). As noted, 45 people attended, but only 30 cast votes in the straw poll. Some attendees looked at the long ballot, decided they had no idea who to vote for, and chose not to vote.